Java 12 features

March 19, 2019

Preview Feature - This feature enables to use features which are not finalized or not really ready, this might be ready in upcoming releases.

By default, this feature is disabled in Java 12 both in compile and runtime.

Enable preview feature in compile time

javac --enable-preeview

Enable preview feature in runtime

java --enable-preview Foo

To enable this for jar

java --enable-preview -jar microservice.jar

Switch Expression (Preview language feature)

Java 12 supports multiple comma-separated labels in a single switch label.

Prior to java 12

switch (day) {
    case "M":
    case "T":
    case "W":
    case "F": 
    case "S":

Java 12 looks like this

switch (day) {
    case "M", "T", "W", "F" -> System.out.println("Weekdays");
    case "S" -> System.out.println("Weekends");

Switch statement expression can be assign to variable, e.g:

String type = switch ( {
    case "M", "T", "W", "F" -> "Weekdays";
    case "S" -> "Weekends";

    default -> throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected value: " +;

System.out.println(" Switch return type - "+ type);

Switch case response can have a full block of code, in that case, break will use to return the value. Similar to return some value break will have something like this break value


A new static method teeing to collectors interface, which allows collecting two independent collectors and then merge their results using the supplied function.


BiFunction<Optional<Integer>, Optional<Integer>, Optional<String>> ofOp = (o, o2) -> {
    return Optional.of("min value - " + o.get() +" Max value - "+ o2.get());

Optional<String> result = Stream.of(5,11,1,9,3)
        .collect(teeing(minBy(Integer::compareTo), maxBy(Integer::compareTo),ofOp));


String literal changes ( Not yet supported as of now)

Traditional String Literals

String html = "<html>\n" +
              "    <body>\n" +
              "		    <p>Hello World.</p>\n" +
              "    </body>\n" +

Raw String Literals

String html = `<html>
                       <p>Hello World.</p>