Enable Security on Actuator Endpoints example

March 18, 2019

Enable Security for Actuator Endpoints

This example shows how to secure your actuator endpoints. By default, these endpoints are not exposed until you enable this property in application.yaml/properties

        include: "*"

The above property will enable for all the endpoints from actuator.

Dependency for actuator and spring security


Note : You can have multiple Security configurations in your application and can set the priority by setting the order, something like this.


How endpoints are secured

Let’s see how to configure authorization for this endpoints.

http.requestMatcher(EndpointRequest.toAnyEndpoint()) (1)
        .authorizeRequests() (2)
        .requestMatchers(EndpointRequest.to("health")).permitAll() (3)
        .anyRequest().authenticated() (4)
        .httpBasic(); (5)
  • (1) - Request matcher for any endpoints from actuator endpoints.
  • (2) - Authorize any request going into the application.
  • (3) - Now add match request pattern to health endpoints and allow any request to that URL.
  • (4) - Rest all need to go through authentication.
  • (5) - enable HTTP basic authentication.

you can find code here